【ExpressVPN】NEKOKAMIKO YouTube promotion video has been exceeded 80,000views!https://www.youtube.com/watch?timecontinue=556&v=RdrqqFGDybI&embedsreferringeuri=https%3A%2F%2Fpromojapan.net%2F&sourceve_path=Mjg2NjY Objective: Acquisition of subscription usersTarget Audience:Japanese Male and Female 25 years old ~ Upload Date:25th Mar 2022This time, I was introduced to the family channel 「LiaLico Channel」.It's a lovely channel where the conversations of a family living in the UK are adorable.It's the best channel to get local information.This time, we were able to appeal to users more naturally by inserting a promotional part in the middle of the video that we usually post.It was a promotion that solved the worries of overseas residents, and many positive comments were seen, making it a very successful video.