I have previously introduced influencers recommended for gadgets and cosmetics, but this time I will introduce influencers recommended for home appliances.The influencer I recommend this time is also selected from three perspectives.①high level of intimacy with followers②High quality of review videos③specializationThe first is 「Denichi」, an advisor to home appliances.Since "Denichi" has actually worked at a major electronics retail store for more than 10 years, viewers are highly praised for the easy-to-understand explanations he has cultivated as a salesperson and for suppressing the points he wants to hear from a buyer's point of view."In particular, product comparison videos give accurate explanations such as what the purchasers are concerned about while taking into account individual opinions.Furthermore, it explains carefully when you can buy the best price throughout the year and how to buy it without fail, so it is characterized by the high trust of viewers who are considering expensive products.Intimacy ★★★★Quality ★★★Expertise ★★★★★The second one is「Dain」, a consumer electronics tsarist.%3Ciframe%20width%3D%221280%22%20height%3D%22720%22%20src%3D%22https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fembed%2FFKlo-FS1Mm4%22%20frameborder%3D%220%22%20allow%3D%22accelerometer%3B%20autoplay%3B%20encrypted-media%3B%20gyroscope%3B%20picture-in-picture%22%20allowfullscreen%3D%22%22%3E%3C%2Fiframe%3EIn contrast to Denichi, who is well-received for comparing and reviewing products, Dain explains carefully how to select the products before that, rather than reviewing the products themselves.For example, while Denichi carefully explains the video of planning the TV model, Dain carefully explains the part of how to choose the TV that suits us in the first place, so it's more like watching Denichi's product comparison video before setting the target.Intimacy ★★★Quality ★★★Expertise ★★★★The third person is 「Tiger of Home Appliances - Specialized Channel for Home Appliances」%3Ciframe%20width%3D%221280%22%20height%3D%22720%22%20src%3D%22https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fembed%2F8wJgrCHzhmc%22%20frameborder%3D%220%22%20allow%3D%22accelerometer%3B%20autoplay%3B%20encrypted-media%3B%20gyroscope%3B%20picture-in-picture%22%20allowfullscreen%3E%3C%2Fiframe%3ESince "Tiger of Consumer Electronics" is still working as a salesperson at an electronics retail store, it features real-time information such as retail store sales trends.The comparative evaluation unique to the salesperson of the electronics retail store is also highly trusted by the viewers.To convey the advantages and disadvantages of the product and evaluate it in terms of cost performance, it is packed with information that product purchasers would like to know, and it is a popular home appliance influencer just like Denichi.Intimacy ★★★Quality ★★★Expertise ★★★★★