On September 30, 2021, we promoted the worldwide release of LIBRATONE Air+2nd at the request of the Danish wireless earphone brand LIBRATONE.Video released on September 30, 202139,476 views100 units sold per month"ワタナベカズマサ" a famous gadget YouTuber in Japan.To use it and review your honest impressions, videos that calmly evaluate both advantages and disadvantages are popular.By promoting the product at the same time as it was released in Japan, we were able to boost sales.%3Ciframe%20width%3D%221280%22%20height%3D%22720%22%20src%3D%22https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fembed%2F6WlcGsJsvdk%22%20frameborder%3D%220%22%20allow%3D%22accelerometer%3B%20autoplay%3B%20encrypted-media%3B%20gyroscope%3B%20picture-in-picture%22%20allowfullscreen%3E%3C%2Fiframe%3E